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Connecting to Azure Cache for Redis with redis-cli and stunnel


Azure Cache for Redis is a fully managed, open-source, in-memory data store that is used for improving the performance of applications in Microservices architecture. In Azure, security is something always important, and as such, the Azure redis cache non-SSL port (6379) is often disabled with SSL enabled. also, when utilizing private endpoints, direct connections to Azure Cache for Redis become restricted. In this scenario, connecting to Azure Cache for Redis requires additional steps.

In this article, we will walk through the process of connecting to Azure Cache for Redis using redis-cli along with stunnel tools. stunnel acts as a secure tunneling tool, enabling SSL encryption for the connection, while redis-cli serves as the command-line interface to interact with Redis.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • stunnel: Download and install stunnel from the official website here.
  • redis-cli: Download and install redis-cli from the GitHub repository here or here.
  • Virtual Machine (Jumpbox) in the same network as the private endpoint of redis

Step 1: Login Virtual Machine (jumpbox)

It's essential to have a virtual machine deployed within the same virtual network as the Azure Cache for Redis instance. This ensures that the virtual machine can establish a secure connection to the Redis cache without relying on public endpoints or traversing the internet. you need to first login into this Virtual Machine (VM) in the same network as the private endpoint of redis.

Test Redis Connection from jumpbox before making any further steps to make sure connection is successful.


Test-NetConnection -Port 6380 -ComputerName
ComputerName     :
RemoteAddress    :
RemotePort       : 6380
InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet 3
SourceAddress    :
TcpTestSucceeded : True


Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

Step 2: Download and install stunnel

Download and install stunnel from the provided link. Follow the installation instructions provided by the installer.

Step 3: Download and install redis-cli

Download and install redis-cli from the provided GitHub repository links. Follow the installation instructions for your respective operating system.

Step 4: Configure stunnel to connect to Azure Cache

  1. Open stunnel and click on "Edit Configuration". Edit Configuration

  2. Update the Azure Redis Cache endpoint details in the configuration file.

    Update Configuration

  3. Reload the configuration in stunnel. You should see a "Connection successful" message.

    Update Configuration

Step 5: Start stunnel and connect

  1. Start stunnel.

  2. Open a command prompt or PowerShell window and enter the redis-cli command along with the appropriate authentication key obtained from the Azure Cache for Redis authentication settings.

    Update Configuration

  3. Test the Redis connection by entering commands such as info.

    Update Configuration

You have now successfully connected to Azure Cache for Redis using the stunnel tool.


Connecting to Azure Cache for Redis, especially when SSL is enforced and private endpoints are in use, requires additional steps beyond a direct connection. By utilizing stunnel to create a secure tunnel and redis-cli to interact with Redis, you can securely access your Azure Cache for Redis instance.
