
Welcome to my personal website! I'm Anji Keesari, an passionate instructor, Cloud Architect, and a full stack developer with expertise in the Microsoft technology stack. This website is designed to provide you with easy-to-follow learning materials, tutorials, and valuable insights. My goal is to help you in various technologies such as Azure Cloud, Microservices, Kubernetes,Terraform , ArgoCD, Helmcharts, Azure DevOps, C#, .NET, React JS and more.

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Welcome to my Free e-Book, Building Microservices with Containers (A Practical Guide). In this book, I'm going to share my practical knowledge about creating microservices applications with docker containers.

Building Microservices with Containers (A Practical Guide)

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Welcome to my Free e-Book, Build and Deploy Microservices on Kubernetes using ArgoCD & Helm. In this book, I'm going to share my practical knowledge about creating and managing microservices applications in Kubernetes using the latest tools like ArgoCD and Helm.

Note :This book is still a work in progress, However, you are still welcome to continue reading what has been written so far.

Build & Deploy Microservices on Kubernetes using ArgoCD & Helm